November 19, 2018
Alice Campaignolle, Irene Escudero, and Carlos Heras

In Bolivia, women in power, such as Indigenous mayor Bertha Quispe, often suffer political harassment and violence.

December 15, 2017
Linda Farthing

A recent ruling to end term limits in Bolivia gives Evo Morales a green light to run in the 2019 presidential elections and beyond. 

August 21, 2017

Six years after massive protests halted plans for a proposed highway through the TIPNIS, Bolivian President Evo Morales has promulgated a new law "de-protecting" the reserve and allowing construction of the road.

November 22, 2016

Bolivia’s brutal cooperative mining conflict reveals the growing contradictions and perils of extractivism, as the government and popular sectors struggle to control a dwindling mining surplus.

October 27, 2016
Helen Hazelwood Isaac

A NACLA Radio interview with Bret Gustafson and Niki Fabricant on their article, "Revolutionary Extraction?” from the latest NACLA Report, Free Trade 2.0.

July 5, 2016

The shutdown of Bolivia’s state-run textile company calls into question the alliance between President Evo Morales and the Bolivian Workers Central at a crucial political and economic juncture.

March 7, 2016
Bret Gustafson

Beyond the defeat of Evo Morales’ referendum, political struggles wage on.

December 24, 2015

Barcelona's anti-displacement activists are successfully challenging global banking and real estate interests, while building new political models that transcend recent Latin American experience.

May 14, 2015
Jorge Derpic

Farthing and Kohl's analysis highlights the successes, challenges, and contradictions of Evo Morales' presidency.

April 17, 2015

Setbacks for the ruling MAS party in Bolivia’s subnational elections show that voters want more local democracy and accountability, without necessarily rejecting the MAS political project.


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