Broadcasting the Salvadoran government's atrocities throughout the armed conflict, the guerrilla radio station Venceremos had a clear goal: bringing down the U.S.-backed dictatorship.
In the 1980s, the Reagan administration poured billions of dollars into El Salvador's military to crush the left-wing FMLN, littering the country in mass graves in the process.
El gobierno Salvadoreño recientemente se desligó del programa de inmersión lingüística Cuna Nahuat, continuando así la larga historia de supresión y invisibilización de los pueblos originarios de El Salvador.
The recent dismantling of the Cuna Nahuat Indigenous language program in El Salvador is the latest in a long history of erasure for Salvadoran Indigenous communities.
The expansion of the Surf City tourism project towards the eastern and unexploited part of the country raises concerns over democracy, sustainability, and land ownership.
Rather than address the root causes of violence, President Nayib Bukele’s prolonged state of emergency militarizes Salvadoran society and exacerbates state persecution of vulnerable communities.
The government of Nayib Bukele opens civil war wounds by arresting five water defenders linked to the historic community of Santa Marta, raising speculation about a possible reversal of the country’s metals mining ban.
Elizabeth O’Donnell Gandolfo and Laurel Marshal Potter’s new book provides a moving portrait of the liberatory praxis of El Salvador’s popular church, but its engagement with decolonial theory falls short.