El Salvador

July 3, 2019

In the name of “sparking a reaction” from an indifferent public, images of migrant deaths decontextualize their reasons for fleeing and gloss over the impact of decades of prevention through deterrence policy.

April 15, 2019
Walker Grooms

In the wake of the appointment of war criminal Elliott Abrams as Trump’s special envoy to Venezuela, a group of concerned activists is protesting his contradictory affiliation with DC’s Holocaust Museum.

April 1, 2019
Laura Weiss

U.S. security and development assistance has caused great harm in Central America. But Trump’s decision to cut it off is nothing to be celebrated.

February 14, 2019
Hilary Goodfriend

With its loss of the presidency in El Salvador’s recent elections, the gains of the revolutionary project launched by the FMLN in 1980 are in serious jeopardy.

February 1, 2019
Heather Gies

Mexico’s new progressive president says he has a just immigration plan. But critics say it’s flawed.

December 20, 2018
María Inés Taracena

For Central Americans fleeing homophobic and transphobic violence, heading North is an act of resistance—from our winter 2018 issue, Women Rising in the Americas.

July 24, 2018
Miranda Cady Hallett and Lynnette Arnold

Understanding legal violence against Central American families

March 21, 2018
Hilary Goodfriend

In the wake of an electoral rout and growing internal divisions, El Salvador’s Left is facing its starkest crisis in decades.

March 2, 2018
Hilary Goodfriend

An onslaught of conservative rulings by the Supreme Court in El Salvador threatens the 2018 mid-term elections—and the very fabric of the nation’s post-conflict institutions.

January 18, 2018
Roberto Lovato

U.S. policies helped create gang culture in El Salvador, a country with no previous history of U.S.-style gangs and gang warfare.


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