El Salvador

June 23, 2022
Jorge E. Cuéllar

With tens of thousands jailed and scores of reports of human rights abuses, Nayib Bukele’s project slides ever closer to a permanent state of exception.

April 21, 2022
Humberto J. Rocha

In Oscar Martínez's new book, the editor-in-chief of El Faro reflects on his years of reporting in and out of El Salvador, questioning journalistic practices, analyzing the ethics of his actions, and grappling with the violence he has witnessed. 

June 25, 2021
Diana Sierra Becerra

Para una sobreviviente, los esfuerzos para dignificar y conmemorar a las víctimas de violencia estatal son una parte importante de la lucha por la verdad y la justicia.

May 7, 2021
Gabriel Labrador y Julia Gavarrete

On their first day in office, allies of President Nayib Bukele flexed their supermajority in the Legislative Assembly to replace officials in key state institutions, tightening the ruling party’s grip.

September 23, 2020
Jorge E. Cuéllar

Para las comunidades que sufren la peor parte de la crisis crónica del agua en El Salvador, los llamados a enfrentar la emergencia del coronavirus con el lavado de manos frecuente reinscribieron cruelmente la negligencia estatal y la precariedad de la vida en esta nación escasa de agua.

August 6, 2020
Jennifer A. Cárcamo

Joaquín M. Chávez recovers the forgotten history of the rural working-class who helped form El Salvador’s leftist radicalism.

March 26, 2020
Jorge E. Cuéllar

In the age of COVID-19, anything other than ending deportations is a high-risk, potentially disastrous move.

February 19, 2020
Hilary Goodfriend

As President Nayib Bukele challenges the key tenets of the peace accords in El Salvador, the stakes for the country’s nascent postwar democracy have never been higher.

February 4, 2020
Sonja Wolf

El Salvador passed a new law to help victims of forced displacement. Will it be enough? 

September 20, 2019

Líderes de los movimientos de base en El Salvador hablan sobre el nuevo presidente, las demandas de las organizaciones, y sobre cómo navegar entre estos dos puntos distantes.


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