Articles by: Jorge E. Cuéllar

June 3, 2024

Disappearance cuts through the Americas. The pain, grief, and resilience of the region's struggles for justice is the focus of our Summer 2024 NACLA Report, "¿Dónde están?"

June 23, 2022

With tens of thousands jailed and scores of reports of human rights abuses, Nayib Bukele’s project slides ever closer to a permanent state of exception.

April 29, 2022

An archive of creative rebellion reminds us how maneuvering within imperialism’s blindspots helps pry open space for resistance and liberation.

November 1, 2021

In El Salvador, President Bukele’s Bitcoin mining plan threatens huge environmental costs for communities already struggling with precarious access to electricity and running water.

September 23, 2020

Para las comunidades que sufren la peor parte de la crisis crónica del agua en El Salvador, los llamados a enfrentar la emergencia del coronavirus con el lavado de manos frecuente reinscribieron cruelmente la negligencia estatal y la precariedad de la vida en esta nación escasa de agua.

March 26, 2020

In the age of COVID-19, anything other than ending deportations is a high-risk, potentially disastrous move.