August 9, 2018
Lucía Baca and Alejandro Jiménez

As conservative Uribe protégé Iván Duque takes the helm, Colombia’s right wing plays politics with the crisis of activist killings, threatening to resurrect a deadly state security policy.

July 20, 2018
Alex Diamond

Campesinos colombianos en Briceño han arrancado voluntariamente sus plantas de coca a cambio de apoyo gubernamental para cultivar nuevas cosechas. Pero con el retraso de mucha ayuda, la economía local se ha derrumbado y la presencia de un nuevo grupo disidente de las FARC amenaza traer más violencia.

July 19, 2018
Alex Diamond

Colombian campesinos in Briceño, Antioquia have voluntarily uprooted their coca plants in exchange for government support to grow new crops. But with much aid delayed, the local economy has collapsed, and the presence of a newly formed dissident FARC group threatens more violence.

June 14, 2018
Erna von der Walde

La segunda ronda de las elecciones presidenciales en Colombia este domingo determinará el futuro de los acuerdos de paz en el país.

May 24, 2018
Philipp Wesche

While the Colombian government is implementing its peace accord, paramilitaries and complicit landowners continue to persecute the victims of the conflict. But the judiciary fails to hold those behind the violence to account.

April 17, 2018
Emma Shaw Crane

The FARC’s new political party ran their first campaign in Colombia’s March congressional elections, despite challenges and delays in implementing the peace accords. Following the campaign in Bogotá brings the FARC’s urban vision to light.

December 7, 2017
Isabel Peñaranda and Gerald Bermudez

As leadership in Bogotá fails to provide resources for former FARC territories to transition out of coca production, a battle for control over the drug trade reignites the Colombian countryside. 

October 18, 2017
Mario Murillo

As a 53-year civil war winds down, coca growers face growing pressure to shelve their lucrative crop.

June 22, 2017
Nick MacWilliam

International observers assess the progress–and shortcomings–of Colombia’s demobilization process, part of its historic peace accord to end 50 years of civil war in the country.

May 31, 2017
Chelsey Dyer

As protests in Colombia rage on, President Trump’s meeting with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos could point towards a deepening of militarized drug war policies over investing in Colombia's peace process.


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