Henry Ford’s 20th century rubber plantation and company town pioneered a model of destructive forest industrialization still in full force in Brazil’s Amazon.
The U.S. government and private sector have contributed to fighting the coronavirus in the Amazon. Their intentions for the region concern local advocates.
Kristina Lyons' new book documents soil and farming in the Colombian Amazon. It is a powerful critique of capitalist agriculture and a rich account of alternative practices.
Peru’s January 2020 congressional elections represent the fall of the Fujimori party and the unraveling of widespread nepotism and corruption. What does it mean for the Peruvian Amazon?
Record fires in Brazil’s Amazon this year marked a political protest led by ranchers who, already empowered under Bolsonaro’s government, are keen to push the government to fully embrace a dictatorship-era extractive doctrine.
Extractivist governments are stoking destruction in the Amazon and beyond. International alliances and Indigenous technologies can help protect the biome and support its 30 million inhabitants.
The election of neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil has consolidated a rapprochement between the Americas’ two largest countries, with President Trump eager to befriend him.
As far-right neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro takes office in Brazil, the radical changes his administration proposes could set off a wave of state-sponsored violence, plunder, and environmental destruction.