Indigenous thinker and writer Wilmer Machaca talks about the political vision behind Jichha, a digital space for exploring and building Indianist social change across the Andes.
The editors of the feminist media outlet speak about making grassroots journalism that reflects the realities and social movements of the country.
La apresurada proclamación de victoria de Maduro sin un recuento definitivo de votos vuelve a sumergir a Venezuela en crisis, mientras la oposición presenta resultados contradictorios.
Maduro's rushed victory proclamation without a definitive vote count thrusts Venezuela back into crisis, while the opposition presents contradicting results.
En junio, más de 12.000 personas se vieron obligadas a abandonar sus hogares en el pueblo de Tila. A medida que se intensifican las disputas históricas por la tierra, varios grupos armados luchan por el control territorial.
Violence against protesters, anti-LGBTQ policies, and a submission to the International Criminal Court accusing President Dina Boluarte of human rights violations reflect the need for Peru to confront its own political violence.
Like in the United States, migration is a big talking point in Venezuela’s election. After an exodus of 7.7 million in the last decade, candidates are promising to help them return.
Venezuela heads to the polls on July 28. Ociel Alí López's new book offers a timely look at the context, key players, and what's at stake.
[CLOSED] NACLA is currently accepting proposals for an issue on travesti, trans, and queer activisms in the Americas. Send us your pitches by August 21, 2024.
The Aymara radio broadcaster and YouTuber produces feminist media in Bolivia to amplify the struggles of women workers and promote solidarity and mutual aid.