
December 27, 2022
Marian Schlotterbeck with Mario Garcés Durán

A longtime analyst of Chilean social movements reflects on the country’s multiple lefts and power relations within the ongoing “process of change.”

December 27, 2022
Marian Schlotterbeck con Mario Garcés Durán

En medio del proceso de cambio en curso, un analista de los movimientos sociales chilenos reflexiona sobre las múltiples izquierdas y las relaciones de poder que existen hoy en Chile.

December 21, 2022
Romina Green Rioja with Elisa Loncon and Alondra Carrillo Vidal

Two Constitutional Convention representatives reflect on the process of drafting the world’s most progressive constitution.

December 21, 2022
Romina Green Rioja con Elisa Loncon y Alondra Carrillo Vidal

Dos convencionales constituyentes hablan del proceso de redactar la constitución más progresista del mundo.

December 12, 2022
Pablo Abufom

In post-revolt Chile, experiences in the Constitutional Convention provide a foundation for reinvigorating the process of change, with social movements at the helm.

December 5, 2022
Héctor Nahuelpán, Álvaro Hofflinger, Edgars Martínez y Pablo Millalen

Mientras el capitalismo y el colonialismo se reacomodan en Chile, las comunidades mapuche continuan la lucha para recuperar sus tierras ancestrales.

December 2, 2022
Manuela Badilla

Dos libros sobres las demandas feministas de cara al proceso constituyente en Chile cobran incluso más vigencia después del plebiscito del 4 de septiembre.

November 21, 2022
Romina Green Rioja and Joshua Frens-String

Read the editor's introduction to the Winter 2022 issue of the NACLA Report, "Apruebo por Chile: Charting a Future in the Aftermath of Defeat."

September 29, 2022
Macarena Segovia and Paulina Toro / CIPER

At the outset of the constitutional process, it seemed certain that Chile would approve its new constitution. The opposition turned the tide.

September 10, 2022
Carole Concha Bell

Disinformation campaigns and fears that Indigenous rights would erode national identity and unity were leading factors in the charter’s defeat.


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