From attempts to close Ecuador’s leading environmental rights NGO to megaprojects on indigenous lands, Rafael Correa’s government continues to criminalize and threaten environmental activists and indigenous people.
A NACLA Radio interview with Manuel Pérez-Rocha on his article, "Free Trade's Chilling Effects," from the latest NACLA Report, Free Trade 2.0. and one way that free trade agreements enrich foreign companies at the expense of poor countries.
Latin America and the Caribbean have much at stake when it comes to climate change. Here are the highlights of the region's role this year's UN climate change summit.
With a narrow focus on the left’s recent experiences, these collected essays successfully contextualize the issues confronting the movements, parties, and governments of Latin America’s radical left.
Ecuador's Ministry of Health is struggling to close or regulate hundreds of private rehabilitation centers, some of which profit from offering "dehomosexualization."