Fascism in Brazil, Militarization in Argentina, A Feminist Peace in Colombia? And more from NACLA!



January 18, 2019
What are the lessons of the EZLN's revolutionary struggle for Indigenous autonomy, a quarter-century after declaring war on Mexico and global capitalism?
The election of neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil has consolidated a rapprochement between the Americas’ two largest countries, with President Trump eager to befriend him.
January 11, 2019
In loving memory of Larry Birns, revolutionary humanist and long-time friend of NACLA (1929-2018). 
January 9, 2019
So long as Colombia’s peace accords fail to contend with the liberal economic order or challenge extractivism and militarism in the country, they will fall short of achieving true gender justice.
January 7, 2019
In Catalyst, René Rojas provides an impressive structural analysis of the Pink Tide’s rise and fall. But to explain and confront a resurgent Right across the region, our understandings of the Left turn’s shortcomings must go further.
January 4, 2019
How early research on the shadowy machinations of U.S. security aid and arms sales shaped NACLA's solidarity with Latin America—a web-only feature for our 50th anniversary issue. 
January 3, 2019
The passage of two decrees in Argentina that allow the army to respond to transnational threats like drug trafficking and terrorism challenge important demilitarization efforts that ended the country’s military dictatorship. 
January 2, 2019
As far-right neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro takes office in Brazil, the radical changes his administration proposes could set off a wave of state-sponsored violence, plunder, and environmental destruction.
Border Wars
December 28, 2018
Border security—supported by Republicans and Democrats alike—is responsible for the death of Jakelin Caal, the exoneration of the Border Patrol agent who murdered a Mexican teen, and the separation and death of thousands of immigrant families.
Rebel Currents
December 27, 2018
The Electoral Court's recent decision to uphold Evo Morales's fourth presidential bid has further polarized Bolivia, with the outcome of the electoral contest now far from certain.
December 27, 2018
Black women disproportionately experience the trauma of police aggression in Brazil. Understanding how requires complicating and expanding our definitions of state violence.
December 20, 2018
For Central Americans fleeing homophobic and transphobic violence, heading North is an act of resistance—from our winter 2018 issue, Women Rising in the Americas.
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